Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery is the most commonly performed weight loss operation now in Australia and the US 

In this procedure part of the stomach is removed, restricting the amount of food a patient can consume and helping them to lose weight. Due to a reduction in ghrelin, a hormone that affects appetite, patients are also less likely to feel hungry between meals.

Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Right for Me?

Gastric sleeve surgery can be a suitable weight loss treatment for patients who are not eligible for other surgical procedures due to risk factors associated with a high BMI or other medical conditions, such as anaemia. Patients can expect to eat smaller portions and have a reduced appetite following surgery leading to a steady loss of weight over time. By following the postoperative recommendations patients can expect to lose approximately 1-2 kilogram per week, until their body weight reaches a normal range.

What are the advantages of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery has a number of advantages over other procedures:

  • Stomach openings and nerves remain intact and unaltered.
  • Digestion functions normally as the only change is to the size of the stomach.
  • The section of the stomach responsible for producing the appetite boosting hormone, ghrelin is removed, which means you will be less hungry post-surgery.
  • Lower chance of complications such as ulcers and other risks associated with gastric bypasses and lap-band surgeries.
  • Generally, the procedure for gastric sleeve surgery is laparoscopic, rather than open, meaning it is less invasive, scarring will be minimal, and recovery will be quicker.
  • As gastric sleeve surgery does not affect the digestive system, recovery times are slightly faster than in other procedures.

What does Gastric Sleeve Surgery involve?

During the procedure the doctor will:

  • Make small incisions in the abdomen.
  • Insert specialised surgical tools, including a camera, through the incisions.
  • Remove the outer section of the stomach (which makes up 70-80 percent of the entire lining).
  • Use a specialised stapling device to close the sides of the stomach tube (or sleeve) which remains.

What are the preparations before Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Before the procedure, Dr. Dhan will run a series of tests to ensure that patients are ready for surgery. Patients may need to lose weight, start exercise, or change their diet to prepare for the procedure.

Dr. Dhan will go over the specific instructions for preoperative care, but generally patients will need to:

  • Go on a liquid diet a week or two before surgery.
  • Avoid eating after midnight, the day before surgery.
  • Ask a friend or family member to be at the hospital for support and comfort.

Patients may also want to purchase the foods, drinks, and medications they will require after surgery.

What to Expect After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Following surgery patients will need to eat a liquid or pureed diet for the first four weeks, before progressing to soft foods for two weeks after that. Six weeks after surgery, patients should be able to resume eating normal foods.

Patients also need to a commit to healthy lifestyle as part of the recovery and weight loss process. This involves eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.

What are the costs and funding options for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

There are a number of factors which may influence the final cost of surgery including hospital fees and the price of medications. Dr. Dhan will be able to provide a more detailed quote after consultation. 

Medicare rebates are available for this procedure and our surgery offers options for patients.