
General Advice

We understand all our patients may be at different stages of their weight loss journey. If you're not ready for bariatric surgery, a dietician can provide a great range of support and guidance to help you manage your weight and improve your overall health. Here are some ways our dieticians can assist you:

  1. Personalized Nutrition Plan

    A dietician can develop a customized nutrition plan based on your individual needs, preferences, and health goals. This plan can help you achieve sustainable weight loss without surgery.

  2. Education on Healthy Eating

    Dieticians can teach you about balanced diets, portion control, and the nutritional value of different foods. Understanding these principles can empower you to make healthier food choices.

  3. Behavioural Strategies

    Dieticians can help you identify and address emotional and behavioural factors related to eating. Techniques such as mindful eating, stress management, and coping strategies for emotional eating can be very effective.

  4. Meal Planning and Preparation

    A dietician can assist you in planning meals and snacks that are nutritious and satisfying. They can also provide tips on grocery shopping, reading food labels, and cooking healthy meals.

  5. Monitoring and Support

    Regular follow-ups with a dietician can help you stay on track. They can monitor your progress, make necessary adjustments to your plan, and provide ongoing motivation and support.

  6. Medical Nutrition Therapy

    For those with medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, or high cholesterol, dieticians can provide specific dietary recommendations to manage these conditions and reduce associated health risks.

  7. Addressing Nutritional Deficiencies

    A dietician can identify and address any nutritional deficiencies you might have, ensuring you get the necessary vitamins and minerals for optimal health.

  8. Setting Realistic Goals

    A dietician can help you set realistic, achievable goals and develop a step-by-step plan to reach them. This can include short-term and long-term objectives to keep you motivated and focused.

    Working with a dietician can be a proactive step towards improving your health and managing your weight. They offer a holistic approach that goes beyond just diet, addressing lifestyle changes, education, and ongoing support to help you achieve lasting results.

Pre & Post Surgery Information

Your dietician may recommend a strict calorie-controlled diet for two weeks before weight loss surgery. The diet aids in shrinking the liver so that your surgeon can easily push it to the side in order to access the stomach. This is required for a minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery. Reducing a moderate amount of weight before surgery can also decrease surgical complications. The pre-operative diet includes:

  • Food low in carbohydrates and fats
  • Drinking at least 2 litres of fluid a day
  • Avoiding alcohol
  • Taking mineral and multivitamin supplements
  • Intake of food at regular intervals (spread throughout the day)

If you are diabetic, you need to reduce your medication as suggested by your doctor. Your surgeon will also give you clear instructions as to the medications that you can/should take and those you should avoid.